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Cometeer's Blog


Summertime...And the livin' is....easy???

Filed under: Posts — Cometeer @ 01:01:26 pm

The summer solstice happens on the 21st, a sacred time for astrologers and occult members alike. This is a VERY fertile time of year, especially since the new moon will be in Cancer later this week. Between now and then, there's a whole slew of opportunities to see things for what they are and take stock of choices made so that you can make new ones or reinforce choices made recently, so that they may endure long into the future.

LAst week's Mars-Saturn Conjunction (Saturday night) was a moment when actions were etched in stone, so think about this past weekend and the frustrations that may have led you to a new level of conviction in your personal life goals. I noticed, while out here visiting my mom in Lubbock Texas, that about 3 hours after sundown, I can actually see Mars and Saturn sitting closely together on the northwestern horizon. You should be able to view this phenomenon if you check it out in your own location -- assuming you are somewhere in the United States; elsewhere also, according to your latitude.

Monday is not a time to be stubborn since Pluto and Venus (both rule money) are urging you to make changes. Their intention is to shift your comfort zone and to appreciate the unfamiliar and hence - broaden your perceptions of a more beutifully-empowered future. Distrust is possible as always with PLuto, but it's not the best use of this energy. If you've got an itch, you'd better scratch it, just know when enough is enough or you'll end up with a rash that just won't go away.

Tuesday is a time to address old wounds and you may be feeling cranky since Chiron is involved, but that's no reason to wallow in self-pity. The stakes are high and it's time to tunnel your way through fears that could be holding you back. The moon enters Taurus which will feed your sense of self-worth, but be cautious of the laziness that could override an obvious call to action!

The sun moves into Cancer on Wednesday which can put into motion all the grand ideas we came across while the sun was in Gemini, well, maybe not all of them, but regardless - with Cancer's cardinal "get things rolling" energy, it's time to balance out personal relationships with personal agendas.

Thursday there is a big, fat square (90 degree) angle from Retrograde Jupiter to Saturn, bringing up serious and enduring concerns. Nothing is lost by hesitation, since Jupiter is moving backwards, take your time in making decisions, especially since the moon's movement into Gemini will scatter your vision into little pieces, giving you the editorial needed to keep things light. But be aware because there will be a recurrence of this aspect, the last of three that began in December -- Whatever issues came up then, will come up now in a more viewable fashion and you'll have one final chance to move forward with big plans and goals come October 25th.

Venus enters Gemini on Friday which should make for a busy weekend and pleasant communication. But this week is too important and pivotal to waste on pleasantries so keep an open mind and remain flexible in your personal values without compromising the crystallized purpose you have already imbedded in your consciousness.

One last visit to the past will allow you to say good bye once and for all to old habits, places or people just before the new moon on Sunday. THIS is the time to make choices. But be gentle with yourself and others as the moon enters Defensive Cancer on Sunday. Go inside yourself and fight the dragon inside of you which - up until now has made you feel like an underdog. Don't lash out or you'll regret it - I promise. Neptune, the moon and the sun make for a swirling of emotional undertones on Sunday so play it safe by listening to your gut - which is the only thing that will, at this juncture, get you to where you need to go.


Etching Your Future

Filed under: Posts — Cometeer @ 05:44:56 am

The big hit this week is between MArs and Saturn as they collide on Saturday. Neither planet is known for it's leniency and they don't exactly like to shake hands. Since the conjunction is in Leo, this could be the most dramatic day of the year; explosive in a ver tempered way. But they CAN come to a place of compromise if there's an equal job for them both to DO. Both planets are Do-it-yourself'ers and so if you can come up with a new plan of attack for your personal goals and avoid any run-ins with authorities, there should be plenty of time to sharpen the tools in your order to get what you want out of reality. Our actions will be set in stone and since This aspect only happens once every two years, it's prime time to embark upon a new campaign to reshape your world. Don't waste this time ( Fri, SAt, Sun) with frustration and repression. Set the beast free and find out He's harmless.

BAsically the week is loaded with contradictory patterns of concrete solidification vs. imaginative expansion. Monday's got that Buzz that Uranus always brings which is stranger than normal under the Capricorn moon. CApricorn wants structure, Uranus wants to rebel. Conceptualizing is one way to use this energy to expound upon an already developing idea or project. Does that sound dry? Capricorn has a very dry sense of humor and Luna is there untilWednesday Morning when She moves into Aquarius....again, accountability tangles with imagination. Love may feel nebulous as Neptune does His Magic Tricks on Venus. Hopefully it's only our relationships being threatened and not our shores...meaning the coming hurricane season.

Don't fall into self-pity mode on Thursday or miss some great opportunities to express yourself. Remember that your goals ARE reachable and that you might just have to get your knives sharpened to cut away any fat that's blocking your ability to see the truth of your goal-orientation.

Sunday The Moon moves into Pisces but since Pisces (all of have some fish in us) soaks up everything, the Sun-Pluto opposition on Friday could feel cruel. Faith will come in handy when deciding whether to hold on or to let go of something you've possibly treated with Kidd gloves up until now. Let go or hold on but don't avoid the confrontation looming. Pretend you are a warrior and choose your battles well. Onward soldiers and may the force be with you!



Filed under: Posts — Cometeer @ 11:29:43 pm

The number 6 x the number 3 = 18 = 9. Nine is a lucky number and in numerology it is equated with divine endings, so those of you with "stupidstitions" will reap what you have sown over the last six months. Those of you who believe in the power of your own divinity, will do the same; only perhaps in a different fashion. The Next day, Wednesday, a day ruled by Mercury, "The Messenger of the Gods", is a "1" day of new beginnings. So the only thing to be afraid of if anything at any fears around new beginnings. Watch for the 'sign' indeed, but the only warnings you need to heed - are your own!

But numerology aside, I apologize for the delay in this posting. The early morning aspect between the sun and Uranus must've short-circuited my efforts. After typing a great blog, there was a glitch in something obscure and undetectable -- meaning Uranus, interrupting (something Uranus is infamous for) my daily communications on what seems like a banal level. However, this week nothing will be banal or meaningless due to the upcoming Full moon in Sagittarius. At 11am on Saturday, it won't be visible in it's fullness here in the U.S., but it's invisibleness is apropos to Sagittarius, who likes to leave the meaning of things -- up to us, collectively.

Sagittarius is known as the Archer with the bow and arrow, but if you look at it, the actual symbol IS the arrow; not the destination of the arrow and not the centaur who wields it, but the mark which we, you, me, he and she are all trying to hit. Questions to ask yourself are: How much of what I know is truth and how much truth do I actually wield in my life? This time, The shadow side is more prominent in both signs - Sagittarius and Gemini - simply because this lunation coincides with PLuto. Death to the old way is a necessary step in this process.

Faith rings out via the voice of Jupiter as soon as Tuesday when Jupiter pulls at the sleeves of Venus and there could be a lot of sweetness, overindulgence and promise of opportunities to be careful either with sugar or finances, because the sobering bill comes due on Wednesday. An aspect between Venus and Pluto says "If you're gonna buy something extravagant, make sure it holds some kind of meaning", that will make the payment less painful on Wednesday. Be it a "cheers" to new beginnings wherein you take one too many sips... or a purchase... that truly expresses what you want to say to someone...which is easier to say with actions, or in this case - offerings given - that words could ever hand over.

The moon, as usual, provides it's regular Scorpio, brooding-ground mid-week. Digging deep into the recesses of your subconscious and training your eagle-eye to detect the truth and to accept nothing less. Last month's full moon took place in this extremely penetrating sign and now, one month later, all those things that hold no water are ready to be let go of like a raft you've been trying to keep afloat that simply needs to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Let go and get ready for the buoyancy the Sagittarius moon offers up on Friday at 10pm.

But just before that, Mercury lines up with Jupiter (second Jupiter aspect of the week & Jupiter governs Sagittarius) opening us up to faith in the inconceivable, communication, verbose expressions of the unconditional and intuitive faculties ring with emotion. The big picture is growing and by Saturday morning we should be able to find a creative outlet when Neptune kisses the flirting Gemini Sun! Make time for creativity or fun love, just make dream. Neptune rules fantasy, redemption and otherworldly images. The sun rules self-expression. So all you have to do to redeem yourself and find the magnificent deity within (a stark contrast to the 666 superstitions) is love life on a higher level. Daydream away, but steer clear of alcohol and drugs or you'll miss this aspect all together. This aspect only happens 3 times a year! So just make sure you're indulging in the right things. True things. Meaningful offerings. Are you walking the walk? Or a Ring Of Fire?

The Sagittarius full moon can go one of two ways. Usually the Gemini sun vs. the Sagittarius moon isn't too complicated, but when Pluto steps in you can be sure something strange is afoot at the Circle K. But the strangeness is only there to shake us up and to make us fully aware of our own shadows -- those tings we've either denied about ourselves and what we really want out of life or the things we have tried desperately to emancipate from our lives. The shadow lives in all of us and this full moon declares war on the shadow, but it's like a game of hide and seek. Are you hiding or are you seeking? At What bulls eye do you have your arrow pointed and is it the right one for your spirit? If not, this moon will show you how to change course or to simply offer you more conviction and a stronger arm - to hit the goal you're already aiming for. The Sabian Symbol for 20 degrees Sagittarius is this: "A child and dog wearing borrowed sunglasses; the use of imagination and make-believe in anticipating higher stages of development." MAke-believe that your future is what you create, not a place you are going to, but the one you create with your thoughts. The tighter you hold on to your current reality, regardless of how appropriate it is, will be challenged, either concretizing your current convictions or pushing you to alter the direction of the arrow you bestow. We each have something unique to offer. Sagittarius helps us synthesize.

no big news for Sunday and that's a good thing. You'll need to time to recuperate and digest the meaning of life.

"Life shrinks or expands in direct proportion to one's courage."
- Anais Nin


Home Sweet Home / Revisited

Filed under: Posts — Cometeer @ 08:41:50 am

Monday started off with the moon in her home sign of Cancer. Should've been perfect for entertaining at home and cook-outs since Cancer rules domesticity and the stomach. Emotional tides should be relatively easy to maneuver since there is also a lovely shift of Venus >> moving from Aries into Her Home sign of Taurus. It seems a strange combo - the Bull being ruled by the lady of love, but it's true, Venus rules Taurus and all things appealing to the senses. It'll be three weeks of more yummy food, more pleasurable experiences, hopefully some good lovin' and satisfying shopping. Although, Taurus does tend to have an overboard tendency - simply because the Bull doesn't know when to stop! Taurus - hard to get started - and his brakes are bad!

On Wednesday, the moon enters Leo early in the a.m. which should be good for dealing with authority figures since Luna will be lining up with Saturn and there will undoubtedly be pointed words when Mercury opposes Pluto late that night. But no so late that you won't feel it, the actual transit is at 10:32pm but you'll feel the pulling of mysterious forces all day long. It could feel like someone's keeping something from you, but this aspect brings with it an opportunity to de-code what the universe is trying to tell you. Relying on mere mortals to hand you a message about fate could get you into trouble. Pay attention to your dreams Wednesday, they may be your best clue. Whatever leaves your life right now, let it, but keep your communications in check and see how you feel on Thursday when the Sun and Jupiter help to open up while simultaneously scaling down your perceptions and outlook on certain situations.

There are a lot of shifts happening throughout the week's end. The moon stays in Leo 'til 10:34am PDT Friday and then goes void-of-course 'til 1:17pm. Luckily, this isn't a terribly long void period and happens right around lunch time. Void moons are good for things already in progress but a bad time to go shopping, start any new projects or trying to get people to make commitments you want them to stick to! And that includes yourself!

By 1:17pm PDT, the moon will be in Virgo which is good for getting your desk in order before the end of the week. It'll feel good to come into an organized desk on Monday! Even if you only put things in neat little stacks to make it LOOK neat. Virgo gets the misnomer of being the "tidy" one, but that's not necessarily the case; Virgo puts things in their place, but it's not always a tidy-looking system. This vibe extends throughout most of the weekend, so it's also a good time to get your home in order. Clean up, buy groceries, do laundry, pay bills. Sounds like fun huh? Well, you'll want to get as much as possible done before the big HIT comes on Sunday... But before Sunday's crucial moment, Mercury leaves His Home sign of Gemini and moves into the sign 'representing' home >> Cancer. The personal planets move around a lot this week and Mars of course wants a piece of the action when he is probably thrilled to leave Cancer and move into that fiery sign of Leo the Lion. For the past two months while Mars was in Cancer, Mars, the Warrior has been feeling "kept" and self-protective, so look out! Leo usually doesn't rebel, but with Saturn not far ahead in his path, I'd prep yourselves for battle...just in case. Whatever your personal mission it...accept the limitations surrounding it...and then refuse to quit.

Sunday is the BIG ONE when Venus Squares Saturn at 2:08pm, PDT. I'm sure there must be some way to experience this transit is a positive light, but it's hard, even for an astrologer, not to fret and worry what this will bring. Power plays in romantic relations? Money problems and the TRUTH surrounding your bills and debt? or maybe just a fly in the ointment of the day. Hard to say, but it'll surely leave very little wriggle room and something will undoubtedly have to change; be that the status of your relationship or how you're going to deal with your debt; definitely a bad day for gambling. Saturn makes you see things in a realistic light and Venus is all those sweet things. The best advice I can give is - see what really matters and choose your battles carefully. This CAN be a productive energy especially since Venus just moved back home, but Saturn in Leo demands self-expression and if you've been holding back your opinions about your relationship or checks and balances, or what you really want that you're not getting, now is the time to artfully and efficiently express those opinions. What are your values? What are your limitations? It's time to lay out the cards and see if your values and your actions are living in the same reality.


"Words are like arrows, once released, can never be recalled." -Native American Proverb


Home Sweet Home

Filed under: Posts — Cometeer @ 04:29:17 pm

Monday moon in Cancer.
Venus moves into Taurus.

Wednesday moon enters Leo early a.m.
Mercury opposes Pluto.

Thursday tangles the day when Mr. Sun & Mr. Big Time try to dance.

Friday moon void at 10:34am 'til 1:17pm
into Virgo

Saturday takin' care of bus at home
Mercury into Cancer
Mars into Leo

Sunday Venus Squares Saturn at 2:08


"Words are like arrows, once released, can never be recalled." -Native American Proverb

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